NovaTec Solub 9-0-43 is a water-soluble NK compound fertilizer enriched with sulfur. It features a high potassium (K) content, promoting plant health and productivity. Incorporating DMPP nitrification inhibitor with NET technology, it enhances nitrogen use efficiency, increasing productivity, solubilizing microelements, and promoting lateral root branching. Tailored for agricultural and horticultural crops, NovaTec Solub 9-0-43 provides essential plant nutrients for customized fertilization. Its excellent solubility ensures smooth application without clogging drip emitters or nozzles, delivering precise nutrients to maximize growth potential. Note that while NovaTec Solub 9-0-43 has excellent solubility, some water types may cause precipitation even without fertilizer. Therefore, caution is advised when using such water sources alongside NovaTec Solub 9-0-43. With a balanced formulation and advanced technology, NovaTec Solub 9-0-43 offers a comprehensive solution for customized fertilization. It enhances crop productivity, nutrient efficiency, and overall plant health.
• Stabilizes Ammonical form of nitrogen
for high efficiency & reduced leaching losses
• Contains nitrogen in both forms-stabilized
Ammonical and nitrogen
• Nitrate nitrogen is readily available to
• the roots while stabilized Ammonical form
supplies continuous nutrition for
the prolonged duration
• Saves plant energy by supplying
Ammonical form of Nitrogen for better growth and development of the cropcanopy
• Creates optimum acidification in the root zone for better absorption of soil fixed phosphorus and Micro Nutrients
• Highly effective even at low application rate with increased frequency
• Is a low salt eco-friendly fertilizer processed from finest grade of chemical compounds
• 2.0-3.0 Kg/ Acre and this can be vary depending upon the crop growth stages